Thursday, September 16, 2010

sure this website looks shit.
and the colour scheme is something you'd find on a parenting site (baby green, beige, white, that sort of thing).
but some of the look-alikes are actually gold.
and i couldn't be bothered to find something better to blog about.
i went on this last week. (last last week? i'm not sure. a while ago now anyway) and compiled my favourites from that night.
then never returned to the site....but i probs will when i'm super bored or something.
this one isn't gold though. the guy on the left is in smallville (go superman). and the guy on the right is in xmen and animorphs (the less awesome fucked up animal version of power rangers). why do they look alike? cos they are identical twins. no shit sherlock.
simpsons + batman = i pay attention.
star trek + the kid in hearts in atlantis turned russian = i pay attention + wtf
onion + teenage mutant ninja turtles = HOLY!
when i look at emma stone i feel cheated. she is like 96% hot. and 4% damn you why can't you be just that little bit hotter. lisp + weird lips = dealbreaker. but she is dtf. oh and melinda clarke is seriously exactly the same as her. they are both seedy and old acting/sounding.
but superbad + oc = teenage orgasm.
malcolm in the middle + how i met your mother = barney stinson. barney stinson. he is awesome. fucking awesome.
another picture = so fucking awesome. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh awesome. he is awesome. barney stinson. AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWEEESSSOOOOOOME.
watch his video resume if you haven't yet and are a bit wtf on the lyrics.
plus it's neil patrick harris. nuff said.
cute + funny = YAY! where's the celebratory fairy floss?
i made a speech at my educational institution in a formal assembly accepting head girl (i receive and give good head) in front of everyone. parents, teachers, students, janitors, hobos. and referred to myself as obama, but oriental. i had to stop the applause afterwards. it was ridiculous.
making fun of weird people + futurama = XD
this is actually frickin hilarious. especially post-deception. such a juxtaposition to the seriousness of the movie. and the whole time i never picked up on how ridiculous leonardo looked. probs cos i was checking out joseph gordon levitt. oh
mario + pokemon = i think i just died.
the beatles + harry potter = why the fuck did they have to decrease the coolness of the beatles.
however, jenna likes harry potter, so i will tolerate it.
the beatles are so hot. this picture is from their movie "a hard day's night" when they are on a train. and this old guy annoys them. so they annoy him back. it's really great. cos they are like "hey mister, can we have our ball back?" and keep knocking on his door. then suddenly they are running alongside the train outside, knocking on his window and screaming "hey mister". it's so screwed up and random. i love it.
laugh out loud moment. ahhh george.

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