Wednesday, December 14, 2011

random thought

it sucks that when attending an educational institution, your success and results are measured by how much the teacher likes you.

yes it's a generalisation but we simply cannot ignore that it's very and i mean 99% prominent. even things like having favourites.

why should i conform to a teacher's opinion?

why should i kiss ass 24/7?

i simply cannot accept this.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

crayon vomit

ahh the feeling of freedom. on the other hand, the security of youth is slowly slipping away from me. nevertheless, with the hsc long out of the way and the results arriving in a few short days, i figure a good thing to do is to revisit my old blog.

i'm about to embark on a new project. one that i shall call project "crayon vomit", named after the converse shoes below. they say "oh look i'm conversing"
yes i own those bad boys. the pattern is a kind of tie dye looking thing but one of my friends said a couple of years ago that it looked like the throw up of a child after they had eaten crayola crayons. so what on earth am i doing and why did i choose this name? no, i'm not eating crayons and vomitting just yet.

well, the aim of this game i've devised, for one time play only and for one player; me, is to spend the next few months dying my hair, going through the colours of the rainbow and anything else that the dyes can manage. my attire so far has been nothing but a green tea towel and underwear....SUPERHERO!!!

up high
to the right
giving you the stink eye
yes it is a bit of an experiment. since my hair is very very dark brown, pretty much black. also, since i have an acute fear of baldness, i've only dyed the ends of my hair, which is really really long, so the part that my friends dyed ended up being the length of a long bob. this also ensures that if my hair gets really badly damaged by the end of the 12 or how ever many months i do this for, i can just chop it off. YAY!

so far i've done shades of brown

...and purple

in other words, some fucked up versions of mauve. i'm pretty happy with the result. by the turn of the year, i'll do bright BRIGHT bright colours. which are more permanent cos the purple stuff rinsed out in a few days (i was at a beach house for schoolies) and turned into a mauvey thing

i wanted to start with green but unfortunately the lame-o chemist didn't have it. so priceline here i come biatches. gimme some fudge

random side note: today i was so desperate to get out of the house, i went out and checked the mail (it's not just a simple ten feet, it's a good 200 metre stroll) yeah. my life is awesome.