Wednesday, July 14, 2010

o romeo, romeo, wherefore art thou romeo?

i have realised something just now.
romeo and juliet is the most ridiculous play i have ever read.
if i were to like a guy, and this guy liked me, i would not be standing at my balcony wondering where he was...out loud. worse yet, if i did do this, and he appeared out of nowhere and asked me to marry him, i would not say yes. especially not the day after. and afterwards i would probably stay away from him.

apparently, the good man william shakespeare intended for romeo and juliet to be around 14 years old (heaven forbid). at 14, romeo loses rosaline. he sees juliet. they "fall in love". they get married. they kill themselves. at 14. that is sick. they are clearly just insane out of their brains.
and they all just kill each other. tybalt. mercutio. and of course romeo and juliet. it's not even revenge tragedy. it's not a love story. to me it's just a sick tragedy. that is overdone and unbelievable. the storyline, i'm talking about. entertainment value would only come from humour.
i will admit the film version with claire danes and leonardo di caprio is entertaining though.
claire danes is hot and dtf, down to fuck, one.
two, when "da boys" are riding in their car playing doof doof music the lyrics are "da boys, da boys" with a true ganga wog accent. it's classic.
three, mercutio is black and provides the best part of the movie when he taunts "row-may-o".
leonardo di caprio is frickin hilarious when he's crying, yelling "juliet" and "then i defy you, stars". all squinty and topless with no package to offer, no washboard for the laundry, no grater for the cheese, no sandpaper for jesus (yes, he was a carpenter).
hey look, a japanese version that is based (very loosely) on the story of romeo and juliet. go asia.

but overall, it's a ridiculous storyline and i can not empathise or sympathise with them arty fartys that looooooove it...i'll love you in a minute (not really).


  1. I am marking this post BAD as although you make pretty good points and the whole plot if pretty unrealistic and you have pointed out that many, if not all the characters are irrational and illogical, I still love this story because of the fact that it is out there and tragic and spontaneous. Although maybe if the characters were older and maybe went out for a couple of weeks it would be more believable but I sorta like it as it is because everything went so quickly and everything was driven by circumstance and passion.
    There you go, a short response to the question "What makes Romeo and Juliet worthy of critical study?"

  2. hahaha. nice. also some good points you make there. i like the claire danes one. it just depends on who it's done i guess. but the original story = stupid
